two people standing in front of a banner with the words lions international world games & exchange luv


Imagine living in a different country, learning, and speaking a foreign language, eating exotic food, making international friends, and getting inside info on schooling in another country.

Lions International Youth Camps & Exchange Programme makes it easy for young adventurers like you to pack your bags and go on an epic trip abroad.

You can choose to stay either for three-fourth weeks over the December holidays, or you can stay for a year – from January to December .

Either way, you will return to Indonesia a more mature, more independent, and wiser soul.

A Lions Youth Exchange student has the following characteristics:

• High moral standards.

• Aspirations to become an ambassador for your country.

• A wish to broaden your horizons.

• An open mind.

• Adventurous spirit.

How does the process work?

• Complete and submit your online application.

You will receive an email with further instructions and documents to download.

• Complete the relevant documents and keep them for your interview.

• A Lions Club member will contact you to arrange an first interview with you and your family. If you are successful at this stage, your application will be advanced to the District Selection Interviews.

• After first interview successful you can pay Administration Fee Rp 3.000.000,-. ( And you will get Name Card, Jacket, Bags, Tshirt and 15 Pins )

• At this stage you will also be asked to select 3 countries you would like to exchange with.

• You will receive an e-mail confirming the time and venue for the selection sessions.

• At this selection process meeting, you will receive more details about the programme, as well as all the costs involved.

• Once all the district selections are completed, you will receive an e-mail confirming whether your application was successful or not.

• Once you are accepted into the programme, you and your family’s experience begins and you will attend several orientations throughout the year. These orientations prepare you and your family for the adventure ahead.

Why use Lions Youth Exchange to broaden your horizons?

• Lions International Youth Camps & Exchange ( LIYCE ) programme is the most inexpensive of its kind in the country.

• Lions Youth Exchange is a non-profit organisation.

We offer multi-tiered support to students, parents, and host families.

• We arrange everything – from flights, to transits, to accommodation.

Are you ready to set sail to a far-off land?


Camps in December 2023 to July 2024


in December 2023 to early January 2024

Applications Are Currently Open


in June 2024 to July 2024

Applications Are Currently Open

What is Lions International Youth Camps & Exchange?

The YCE program is comprised of two major parts: international exchanges and international camps. Exchanges typically last for 4-6 weeks with the help of host families (Lions or non-Lions), sponsor clubs and host clubs. Camps last for 1-2 weeks and are operated voluntarily by the hosting Lions club. Sound interesting? Check out the available programs in the International Directory below!

Did you know the YCE program has been a part of Lions International for 60 years?

Find your ideal YCE program

You can use the YCE International Directory to find a YCE program that’s right for you. Once you've found the right program, reach out to your local Lions club — you will need a sponsor club to begin the exchange process. For more information on starting the exchange process, visit the Prospective Exchange Youth webpage listed in the resource section below.

YCE Exchange Youth

Is the YCE Program Right for Me?

Are you ready to embark on a life changing adventure that will open your mind and heart? Are you curious about other cultures and ways of life? Do you want to develop your skills in a second language? Would you like to cultivate new friendships with individuals that have different backgrounds, beliefs, and customs than you? The Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) Program may be the opportunity you are seeking.

Benefits of Participation

As a YCE exchange youth, you will:

• Live with a family in another country

• Meet people your age from around the world

• Learn about what it means to be a Lion or Leo in another country

• Deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you

• Learn how to foster peace and understanding among peoples of the world

What to Expect

As a YCE exchange youth you can expect to be immersed in a unique cultural experience with Lions and Leo club members supporting your YCE journey. Your host family will treat you as a member of the family, expecting your engagement in typical daily routines and family meals. You will participate in social activities, possibly service projects and visit cultural places of interest. You are expected to familiarize yourself with the customs, expectations and basic language of the host country prior to your visit and have a desire to learn more.

You can learn more about the roles and expectations of a YCE Exchange Youth by checking out the YCE Exchange Youth Handbook!

Participant Eligibility

The suggested age range for YCE Exchange Youth is 15-22. Please note age range can vary by specific YCE program.

YCE Exchange Youth must:

• Be sponsored by a Lions club

• Be ready to represent your community, country and the sponsoring Lions club

• Welcome the opportunity to explore the customs of another culture

• Provide proof of insurance (health, medical, travel) and a liability release agreement

• Take initiative to learn the language of the host country (i.e. basic greetings and phrases)

What are the Costs?

Local program costs vary from country to country. Financial arrangements for transportation may be paid by the Sponsor Lions Club, by the Exchange Youth, the Exchange Youth’s family or a combination of these sources. Host Lions clubs cover the costs of room and board with a host family. Exchange Youth are typically responsible for:

• Round-trip airfare

• Camp Fees

• Health, medical and travel insurance

• Travel documents (such as passports and visas)

• Spending money

How to Apply?

1. Review the Youth Camp and Exchange Directory to see where current camp and exchange programs are offered. Note the camp application deadlines and YCE Chairperson contact information for each location of interest.

2. Develop a wish list of a few host countries to inquire about.

3. Contact your local Lions club to see if they participate in the program and may be willing to be your sponsoring Lions club. A sponsoring Lions club is required to participate in the YCE Program.

4. Contact the corresponding YCE Chairpersons in your wish list countries for additional eligibility and application requirements.

5. Write a personal letter of introduction to your prospective host family that contains information on the following: interests, studies, hobbies, family, home community, previous travel experience, expectations for the program and any dietary, health or religious requirements.

6. Complete the required YCE Youth Participant Application well in advance of any disclosed deadlines (including the endorsement and signature of your sponsoring Lions club). Submit it with your personal letter of introduction to the YCE Chairperson for the location you are interested in.

Lions International Youth Camp and Exchange adalah pengalaman yang mengubah hidup

Kaum muda antara usia 17-20 didorong untuk menggunakan kesempatan perjalanan ini untuk mewakili negara asal mereka dan berbagi budaya mereka sendiri saat bepergian ke negara lain, tinggal bersama keluarga angkat dan ikut serta dalam perkemahan pemuda dari seluruh dunia.👫👫🏻👫🏽


Setiap tahun, program Pertukaran Pemuda dan Perkemahan Pemuda Internasional Lions memberikan kesempatan kepada ribuan anak muda di seluruh dunia untuk mengalami kehidupan di negara lain dan memperoleh pemahaman baru tentang budaya melalui perjalanan ke luar negeri. Tidak seperti beberapa program pertukaran pemuda, Pertukaran Pemuda Lions dan Perkemahan Pemuda tidak melibatkan studi akademis atau pekerjaan. Sebaliknya, peserta didorong untuk menggunakan kesempatan perjalanan ini untuk mewakili negara asal mereka dan berbagi budaya mereka sendiri sambil belajar sesuatu dan merangkul hal yang baru.

*Manfaat Youth Exchange dan Youth Camp*

Kaum muda mendapat manfaat dari pengalaman belajar budaya yang unik ini dengan mampu:

* Membagikan budaya mereka sendiri dengan orang lain

* Menjadi Duta Muda Perdamaian Dunia

* Pelajari tentang adat istiadat setempat

* Kunjungi tempat-tempat menarik

* Berpartisipasi dalam membangun tim

* Mendapatkan teman internasional baru

*Manfaat Untuk Keluarga angkat / Host Family:*

* Rasakan kegembiraan berbagi budaya dan kebiasaan sehari-hari mereka

* Pelajari tentang adat dan budaya dari incoming youth

* Membangun persahabatan

* Mendapatkan anak angkat dari internasional

How To Apply:

Agar memenuhi syarat untuk Program Pertukaran Pemuda dan Perkemahan Pemuda, kaum muda harus:

* Usia Antara 17-20 Tahun

* Disponsori atau dinominasikan oleh Lions Club lokal

* Memberikan surat dari dokter setempat yang menyatakan bahwa mereka bugar, sehat dan memiliki asuransi

* Fasih Berbahasa Inggris

Formulir aplikasi tersedia dari Lions Youth Exchange Officer.

Secara singkat

Apa atau siapa itu Lions Clubs International? Lions adalah organisasi sosial pelayanan masyarakat yang terbesar dan terlengkap. Yang tersebar di seluruh dunia yang didirikan pada tahun 1917 di Amerika Serikat. Program Pertukaran Pemuda Lions secara resmi diadopsi sebagai proyek Lions Clubs International pada tahun 1961 dan didirikan pada objek pertama Lions yaitu: *"untuk menciptakan dan menumbuhkan semangat saling pengertian di antara orang-orang di dunia".*

Lions Clubs International adalah rumah bagi 1,4 juta anggota yang berdedikasi untuk melayani komunitas mereka — dan dunia. Member Lions and Leos diseluruh dunia telah memecahkan rekor layanan baru — *melayani 495 juta orang di seluruh dunia* melalui lebih dari 1,4 juta aktivitas layanan pada 2021-2022.


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